RecDay Help Center

Policies, Resources, Information, and Documentation

Community Guidelines

Our mission is to connect people and communities through the games, hobbies, and sports they love most. To do so, our community must share a couple common values that ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone. That is, RecDay community members must act with integrity and treat others with respect. The below community guidelines outline these values in the context of some simple ground rules and prohibited items/conduct aimed at ensuring a positive experience.

Community Values

The following core values help center our community on what matters most: kindness, safety, and trust.

Be nice.
Kindness is the foundation of our community. This means assuming good intentions, treating others with empathy and courtesy, and maintaining a positive attitude–whether you’re a host or guest.

Be safe.
Safety is paramount. Prioritize the well-being of yourself and others by following local laws and regulations, maintaining situational awareness, and inspecting spaces and equipment with caution.

Be respectful.
Embrace diversity by treating others and their possessions with care and respect. Discrimination and harassment have no place here; we value people, their time, and their property.

Ground Rules

These ground rules ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to expectations about how they will be treated, how their property will be treated, and the experience they can expect from sharing a space.

Be trustworthy and transparent.
Honesty is essential and open communication fosters trust and respect. Be diligent in representing yourself and your space accurately.

Respect privacy and confidentiality.
Respect the privacy of others. Keep personal information private and maintain confidentiality of shared communications and information.

Review responsibly.
Leave honest and balanced reviews after each interaction. Your honest feedback contributes to the community's growth and trustworthiness.

Communicate safely.
Keep interactions within the platform for transparency and a reliable record. Arranging reservations and/or payment outside the platform carries risks for both players and hosts.

Follow the rules.
Familiarize yourself with our terms of service, privacy policy, and guidelines. Complying with these rules ensures a secure and respectful community.

Address concerns appropriately.
Should conflicts arise, approach them with a respectful and collaborative mindset. Contact the RecDay support team as needed.

Prohibited Items & Conduct

In the interest of ensuring a safe and secure community, the following are either strictly prohibited or must be governed as followed.

Hosts must be diligent in ensuring weapons present at the listed space are properly stored and secured. Guests are asked to avoid bringing weapons to a booking.

Violence & Misconduct
Threats, intimidation, disrespectful gestures/words/actions, harassment, physical violence, and general misconduct are not allowed. This includes sexual misconduct. Sex during a booking is not permitted.

Violent or Graphic Content
Content that endorses or promotes illegal or harmful activity, that is violent, graphic, sexually explicit, graphic, threatening, bigoted, harassing, or otherwise vulgar in nature is strictly prohibited.